Moving can be a fresh start, but the thought of packing up years of accumulated belongings can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re moving locally across Calgary or just a few blocks away, decluttering before your local move in Calgary can significantly simplify the process. This comprehensive room-by-room guide from our local movers in Calgary will help you sort through your possessions, making your move more efficient and less stressful.

The Benefits of Decluttering Before a Move

Before diving into specific tips for each room, let’s explore why decluttering is essential:

  1. Reduces Moving Costs: Fewer items mean less to pack, transport, and unpack, which can lower moving expenses.
  2. Saves Time and Effort: Streamlining your belongings makes the packing and unpacking process quicker and easier.
  3. Creates a Fresh Start: Moving to a new place with only the items you truly need and love allows for a more organized and clutter-free living space.
  4. Positive Environmental Impact: Donating, recycling, and responsibly disposing of items can reduce waste and benefit the community.

Now, let’s break down the decluttering process room by room.

Decluttering Guide: Room by Room

Living Room

The living room is often the hub of activity and can accumulate a variety of items over time. Here’s how to tackle it:

  1. Start with Furniture: Assess each piece of furniture. If it’s worn out, outdated, or doesn’t fit in your new space, consider selling or donating it.
  2. Sort Through Electronics: Gather all electronics and accessories. Donate or recycle items you no longer use. Ensure cables and remotes are paired with their corresponding devices.
  3. Declutter Decor: Evaluate decorative items like photos, artwork, and knick-knacks. Keep pieces that have sentimental value or fit your new home’s aesthetic. Donate or discard the rest.
  4. Organize Media: Sort through books, DVDs, and other media. Donate or sell what you don’t plan to keep. Consider digital alternatives to reduce physical clutter.


The kitchen is a high-traffic area that often harbors expired food, unused gadgets, and mismatched dishes. Follow these steps to declutter efficiently:

  1. Purge the Pantry: Check expiration dates and discard expired or stale items. Donate non-perishable foods you won’t use.
  2. Streamline Appliances: Assess kitchen gadgets and small appliances. Keep only those you use regularly. Sell or donate duplicates and seldom-used items.
  3. Organize Cabinets and Drawers: Empty all cabinets and drawers. Sort items into categories and keep only what you need. Use organizers to keep similar items together.
  4. Minimize Dishware: Evaluate your collection of plates, bowls, and glassware. Keep a reasonable number of each type based on your household’s needs. Donate or recycle extras.


Bedrooms should be a sanctuary, but they can quickly become cluttered with clothing, accessories, and personal items. Here’s how to declutter your bedroom:

  1. Edit Your Wardrobe: Go through your clothes and accessories. Donate or sell items that no longer fit or that you haven’t worn in the past year. Keep only what you love and wear regularly.
  2. Streamline Bedding: Assess your bedding and linens. Keep a few sets of sheets and blankets for each bed and donate or recycle the rest.
  3. Tidy Up Nightstands: Clear out drawers and surfaces of nightstands. Keep only essential items like a lamp, clock, and a few personal items.
  4. Organize Personal Items: Sort through personal items like jewelry, books, and keepsakes. Keep what’s meaningful and necessary, and find a proper place for everything.


Bathrooms can easily become cluttered with toiletries, medications, and cleaning supplies. Follow these steps to streamline your bathroom:

  1. Sort Toiletries: Discard expired or nearly empty toiletries. Keep only what you use daily. Consider travel-sized items for future trips.
  2. Check Medications: Dispose of expired or unused medications safely. Keep current prescriptions and over-the-counter medications organized.
  3. Streamline Cleaning Supplies: Evaluate your cleaning products. Keep what you use regularly and dispose of duplicates or old products.
  4. Organize Storage: Use organizers for drawers and cabinets to keep similar items together. Consider adding shelves or storage solutions if needed.

Home Office

A home office can quickly become cluttered with papers, supplies, and equipment. Here’s how to declutter effectively:

  1. Purge Paperwork: Sort through documents and papers. Shred or recycle what’s no longer needed. Keep important documents organized in labeled folders or a filing system.
  2. Minimize Office Supplies: Evaluate your office supplies. Keep only what you use regularly and donate or recycle extras.
  3. Organize Electronics: Gather all office electronics and accessories. Donate or recycle outdated or unused items.
  4. Tidy Up Workspaces: Clear off your desk and workspaces. Keep only essential items like your computer, phone, and a few office supplies.

Garage and Storage Areas

Garages and storage areas can become catch-alls for items you don’t know what to do with. Follow these steps to declutter:

  1. Sort Through Tools and Equipment: Assess your tools and equipment. Keep what you use regularly and are in good condition. Donate or sell duplicates and rarely used items.
  2. Organize Seasonal Items: Store seasonal items like holiday decorations, sports equipment, and outdoor gear in labeled bins. Keep only what you use and love.
  3. Evaluate Storage Solutions: Use shelves, hooks, and bins to organize your garage and storage areas. Label everything to make it easy to find items later.
  4. Dispose of Hazardous Materials: Safely dispose of hazardous materials like paint, chemicals, and batteries. Follow local regulations for disposal.

Final Tips for a Successful Declutter For Your Local Move in Calgary

  • Set Goals and Deadlines: Break the decluttering process into manageable tasks and set deadlines to stay on track.
  • Use the Four-Box Method: As you declutter, use four boxes labeled “Keep,” “Donate,” “Sell,” and “Trash” to sort items.
  • Stay Positive: Decluttering can be emotional. Stay focused on the benefits of a streamlined, organized home and a smoother move.
  • Involve the Family: Get everyone involved in the decluttering process. Assign tasks and work together to achieve your goals.

By decluttering your home before your local move in Calgary, you’ll make the moving process more manageable and set yourself up for success in your new home. Contact us today for a quote.

Happy moving!