Canadian Entry Procedures
Matco Moving Consultants can help you plan your move to Canada. Whether you are moving back to Canada, moving to the country for the first time, or coming to study or work, we have compiled some helpful resources for you. Follow the links below to get the information you need to better prepare for your move to Canada.
- Moving back to Canada – This information is helpful if you are a resident of Canada who is returning to resume residence after an absence of at least one year, or if you are a former resident of Canada who has been a resident of another country for at least a year.
- Settling in Canada for the first time – This information is helpful if you are moving to Canada for the first time to make this country your permanent home, or if you are coming to Canada for temporary employment, for a period of more than 3 years.
- Entering Canada to study or work – This information is helpful if you are entering Canada to work or study for a period of no more than 36 months.
Apply for a Canadian work permit
Visa/Passport Information for Entering Canada
- Visit the official source for Canada’s immigration and citizenship.
- Find a comprehensive list of countries and territories whose citizens require visas in order to enter Canada as visitors.
- Learn how to apply for a temporary resident Visa outside of Canada.
- Submit your Visa applications to the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate listed in your area.
Customs Information
Get detailed Canadian customs information including:
- Importing a vehicle into Canada
- Importing a firearm or weapon into Canada
- Restricted items into Canada
Moving to the United States? View the United States’ entry procedures.