All movers are required to prepare an Order for Service before they transport your shipment. The order for service provides you with written confirmation of the services that you requested to be performed in conjunction with your shipment. It lists the agreed upon dates for the pickup and delivery of your shipment and the amount of valuation that you requested, along with any special services that you ordered and a place and telephone number where the mover can contact you during the move.

The order for service also shows the charges that you will be assessed for during your move. If you are moving under a non-binding estimate, the order for service will indicate the amount of the estimated non-binding charges, the method of payment for the charges and in case the actual charges exceed the non-binding estimate, the maximum amount that you are required to pay at the time of delivery to obtain possession of your shipment (you will have 30 days following delivery to pay the balance of the charges due). If you are moving under a binding estimate, the order for service will show the charges that you will be required to pay at delivery, based on the binding estimate and the terms of payment. You and Matco Moving Solutions must sign the order for service.

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